Hase Spielzeugbox • ab 21 Monate+

- 46%
Verkauf & Versand durch: Tribu Box
Versand: Deutschland: 4,99€ - ab 50€ versandkostenfrei
Österreich: 7,99€ - ab 100€ versandkostenfrei
Lieferzeit 2-4 Tage.

Zustand: Sehr Gut
Reduzierter Preis€119,00 Preis€220,00


Your toddler has come to a stage when it starts to develop it's interests. It will be drawn to some activities and repelled to others. In any case, continue supporting your toddlers gross and fine motor skills, and also it's language aptitude, with the appropriate toys and activities.

  • Alter: Ab 1 Jahr


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