Reima qing winter shoes, blue | 21

Second Hand
Verkauf & Versand durch: Ninyes

Deutschland: 5,90€
Österreich: 12,9€
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Lieferzeit 3-4 Tage.

Reduzierter Preis€20,00
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Reima Qing kids' winter shoes don't just look good, but also come with Reimatec's quality and features. The upper is stylish with a durable mix of leather and synthetic material, a waterproof construction to keep the toes dry, a soft fleece lining, and a warm felt insole. Happy Fit insoles help find the right size and the shoes are easy to put on thanks to velcro fastening. 

Color is slightly faded for example from velcro straps, but otherwise in good condition.

Material: upper: synthetic textile and leather

Color: blue

Production year: 2021

Product code: 569435

Technical features apply for new products.

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