Tildi gift voucher

Sold & Shipped by: Tildi

nominal values: 10 €
Sale price€10,00
Sicher bezahlen mit :
Available Payment Options
⁠Individually tested products from specialist dealers
⁠⁠Widerrufsrecht (14 Tage) & Gewährleistung
⁠⁠Echter Kundendienst per Mail & Chat (24h)


If you want to make someone happy and/or are looking for a nice and practical gift for a new baby or a child's birthday, you can purchase a Tildi gift voucher. This is valid for products from all resellers.

To do this, put the voucher with the desired amount in your shopping cart. After payment has been processed, you will receive the voucher code by email. There are currently no physical gift vouchers available.

The gift voucher is valid for the entire range and is valid for three years from the date of issue.

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